When a student is absent from school due to illness or other reasons, the parents or guardians should phone the school attendance line and leave a message as soon as possible before 9:00 AM. The attendance number is 970-488-5205. If no phone call is received, the office will contact the home each time a student is absent. This is to assure the safety of each child in our school.
When a student arrives late (after 8:05 AM) to school, he/she must be signed in by a parent or guardian. Please ring the bell and a staff member will meet you at the door. A pass will then be given to the student who must turn it in to his/her teacher. Only adults who are authorized to pick up a child from school may do so. Authorized adults must sign the “Student Check In-Out” binder located in the school office when bringing a student to school late or leaving the building before the school day is done.