Harris Bilingual Immersion School

Escuela Bilingüe Harris

Harris Bilingual Immersion School

Escuela Bilingüe Harris

Staff Directory

Staff Name Role Contact E-Mail
Antillón, M. Alejandra Instructional Paraprofessional mantillon@psdschools.org
Azuaje, Laura Music Teacher lazuaje@psdschools.org
Baum, Michelle Instructional Paraprofessional mbaum@psdschools.org
Brinks, Thomas Lunch Clerk tbrinks@psdschools.org
Brooks-larson, Brenna 5th Grade Teacher bbrookslarson@psdschools.org
Burden, Maria 5th Grade Teacher mburden@psdschools.org
Carrillo de Garcia, Maria Elena Health Tech mcarrillodegarcia@psdschools.org
Castaneda, Lidia Instructional Paraprofessional lcastaneda@psdschools.org
Chavarria , Yadira Kindergarten Paraprofessional ychavarriaburciaga@psdschools.org
Collins, Emily Speech/Language Pathologist ecollins@psdschools.org
Corle, Heather Interventionist/GT Coord/MTSS hcorle@psdschools.org
Dafoe, Lorena Parent/Family Liaison ldafoe@psdschools.org
Deal, Liliana 3rd Grade Teacher ldeal@psdschools.org
Diaz, Irma Head Custodian idiaz@psdschools.org
Dorado, Ashley Counselor adorado@psdschools.org
Drew, Lina Office Manager ldrew@psdschools.org
Escobedo, Miguel School Psychologist mescobedo@psdschools.org
Figueroa, Griselda Teacher Early Childhood gfigueroa@psdschools.org
Fuentes, Cesar 4th Grade Teacher cfuentes@psdschools.org
Gallegos, Daniel Assistant Principal dgallego@psdschools.org
Garcia, Margarita Early Childhood Paraprofessional margaritag@psdschools.org
Gomez, Joshua Physical Education jgomez@psdschools.org
Gonzalez, Yara Instructional Paraprofessional ygonzalez@psdschools.org
Greenwood, Angelina English Language Dev Teacher agreenwood@psdschools.org
Huerta-Kelley, Norma Principal nhuertak@psdschools.org
Kosakowski, Kate Media Tech II kkosakow@psdschools.org
Levy, Carolina Interventionist Specialist carolinl@psdschools.org
Lopez, Leticia 2nd Grade Teacher leticial@psdschools.org
Mata, Patricia 1st Grade Teacher pmata@psdschools.org
Meikel, Carlos Art Teacher cmeikel@psdschools.org
Mueller, Michelle Physical Education mmueller@psdschools.org
Nelson, Ryan Computer/Technology ryann@psdschools.org
Ornelas, Amalia Kindergarten Paraprofessional agomezor@psdschools.org
Passantino, Debbie Occupational Therapist dpassant@psdschools.org
Quiñonez, Laura Kindergarten Teacher aquinonez@psdschools.org
Richmond, Cecilie 4th Grade Teacher cecilier@psdschools.org
Rogers, Monica 2nd Grade Teacher mrogers@psdschools.org
Rosales, Maria Building Site Substitute mrosalesrosales@psdschools.org
Runner, Jim Kitchen Manager jarunner@psdschools.org
Sarmiento, Martha School Secretary msarmiento@psdschools.org
Spangler, Lorin Interventionist Specialist lspangle@psdschools.org
Sparks, Michelle English Language Dev Teacher msparks@psdschools.org
Tate, Emily Interventionist Specialist etate@psdschools.org
Thellman, Jeannine School Nurse jthellman@psdschools.org
Vollmer, Carla Teacher Early Childhood cvollmer@psdschools.org
Wangberg Rogers, Karin 1st Grade Teacher kwangber@psdschools.org
Weber, Ida Kindergarten Teacher iweber@psdschools.org
Whitehead, Lexie Lunch Clerk awhitehead@psdschools.org
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